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CyberSecurity Gives you Information

What is CyberSecurity?

is the state or process of protecting and recovering networks, devices and programs from any type of cyberattack.

Cyberattacks are an evolving danger to organizations, employees and consumers. They may be designed to access or destroy

sensitive data or extort money. They can, in effect, destroy businesses and damage your financial and personal lives especially

if you’re the victim of identity theft. What’s the best defense? A strong cyber security system has multiple layers of protection

spread across computers, devices, networks and programs. But a strong cyber security system doesn’t rely solely on cyber defense

technology; it also relies on people making smart cyber defense choices. The good news? You don’t need to be a cyber security

specialist to understand and practice good cyber defense tactics. This guide can help. You’ll learn more about cyber security and

how to help defend yourself against cyber threats, and how to recognize and avoid threats before they infiltrate your network or devices.

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed

at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.

Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people,

and attackers are becoming more innovative.

What is CyberSecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats are acts performed by individuals with harmful intent, whose goal is to steal data, cause damage to or disrupt computing systems.

Common categories of cyber threats include malware, social engineering, man in the middle MitM attacks, denial of service DoS, and injection attacks

we describe each of these categories in more detail below. Cyber threats can originate from a variety of sources, from hostile nation states and

terrorist groups, to individual hackers, to trusted individuals like employees or contractors, who abuse their privileges to perform malicious acts.

A cyber security threat refers to any possible malicious attack that seeks to unlawfully access data, disrupt digital operations or damage information.

Cyber threats can originate from various actors, including corporate spies, hacktivists, terrorist groups, hostile nation-states, criminal organizations,

lone hackers and disgruntled employees. In recent years, numerous high-profile cyber attacks have resulted in sensitive data being exposed. For example,

the 2017 Equifax breach compromised the personal data of roughly 143 million consumers, including birth dates, addresses and Social Security numbers.

In 2018, Marriott International disclosed that hackers accessed its servers and stole the data of roughly 500 million customers. In both instances,

the cyber security threat was enabled by the organization’s failure to implement, test and retest technical safeguards, such as encryption, authentication

and firewalls. Cyber attackers can use an individual’s or a company’s sensitive data to steal information or gain access to their financial accounts,

among other potentially damaging actions, which is why cyber security professionals are essential for keeping private data protected.

Here are the cyber security strategies that you need to implement in order to keep your business safe and secure:

Create a security system: Unlike traditional administrative structures where operations and enforcement of rules are handled from the top-down

creating a security system using your human capital will need to be organized from the bottom-up.

Increase your employee skillset: Your cybersecurity is only a strong as its weaker link. Regularly train your team on the latest IT best practices.

Backup your data: Just like the best YouTubers constantly create backup of video footage they record, you need to constantly backup your organization's data.

Always backup you data, files and any electronic information that is vital to your business as well as the most recent drafts/iterations of projects your team

is working on. Put the cloud to work: Although the cloud is still has its risks, you are less likely to lose critical data by saving data to the cloud.

Using the cloud for a data storage is an economical option for small mid sized business.

Invest in your IT infrastructure: Install antivirus program and firewalls on your computers.

Firewall will discourage the average cybercriminal seeking to do damage your company.

Regularly update your computer security systes. Don't be shy when it comes to investing in your IT infrastructure.

Types of CyberSecurity Threats

Virtually every cyber threat falls into one of these three modes. In terms of attack techniques, malicious actors have an abundance of options. There are ten common types of cyber threats:


Software that performs a malicious task on a target device or network, e.g. corrupting data or taking over a system.


An email-borne attack that involves tricking the email recipient into disclosing confidential information or downloading malware by clicking on a hyperlink in the message.

Spear Phishing

A more sophisticated form of phishing where the attacker learns about the victim and impersonates someone he or she knows and trusts. “Man in the Middle” (MitM) attack. Where an attacker establishes a position between the sender and recipient of electronic messages and intercepts them, perhaps changing them in transit. The sender and recipient believe they are communicating directly with one another. A MitM attack might be used in the military to confuse an enemy.


Named after the Trojan Horse of ancient Greek history, the Trojan is a type of malware that enters a target system looking like one thing, e.g. a standard piece of software, but then lets out the malicious code once inside the host system.


An attack that involves encrypting data on the target system and demanding a ransom in exchange for letting the user have access to the data again. These attacks range from low-level nuisances to serious incidents like the locking down of the entire city of Atlanta’s municipal government data in 2018. Denial of Service attack or Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) Where an attacker takes over many (perhaps thousands) of devices and uses them to invoke the functions of a target system, e.g. a website, causing it to crash from an overload of demand.

Attacks on IoT Devices

IoT devices like industrial sensors are vulnerable to multiple types of cyber threats. These include hackers taking over the device to make it part of a DDoS attack and unauthorized access to data being collected by the device. Given their numbers, geographic distribution and frequently out-of-date operating systems, IoT devices are a prime target for malicious actors.

Data Breaches

A data breach is a theft of data by a malicious actor. Motives for data breaches include crime (i.e. identity theft), a desire to embarrass an institution (e.g. Edward Snowden or the DNC hack) and espionage.

Malware on Mobile Apps.

Mobile devices are vulnerable to malware attacks just like other computing hardware. Attackers may embed malware in app downloads, mobile websites or phishing emails and text messages. Once compromised, a mobile device can give the malicious actor access to personal information, location data, financial accounts and more.